Mental Health: Solutions for the Family

It is a tragic realisation when a family member or close friend is diagnosed with Parkinson Disease, Alzheimer´s or a Dementia related condition as the unknown lies ahead so does the emotional and stressful effects.

The actual prognosis can create a sense of emotions for those close including, deep sadness, fear, stress related conditions, sense of loss, frustration and pure worry over how to cope. There are so many factors to put in place that can seem overwhelming at first like who will do the caring, how many members of the family can help, financial arrangements, treatments and organising daily life.

Our team at Caring for You at Home have experienced a variety of situations when caring for a client suffering from mental health problems as each client is an individual and responds differently to interaction. The behaviour of each individual and their level of social skills can be upsetting for partners and family at times so this is where our experienced carers step in and take away the pressure for the client and those close.

Additional to the care team is Carl Regan (Costa Blanca Therapies) who has offered his psychiatry and counselling services to our clients who may need some support especially in the beginning of a loved one´s diagnosis. Carl has over 30 years experience, so we are proud to have him onboard as an extremely important and needed addition to our array of care services.

As always the Caring for You at Home team are there for you 24/7 and in the strictest confidence. Our team know that sometimes people just need a little support to get them through difficult times which is why we do what we do with passion and high expertise. We have become more and more aware of Mental Health Awareness over the years and feel between the care team and Carl we have the ideal support for all who need it.

It may be a chat on the phone to answer questions or you may feel the need for us to visit you under no obligation to assess your situation, either way we are here.

Reaching out is the first step to relieving some of your concerns.

Contact us via telephone or WhatsApp: 711002763 (24/7)

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