Whether a family member/friend or Social Services contact us we can be there ready to take over when you are discharged!

Hospital discharge.

If you are convalescing or are planning for your long term needs after a hospital stay or accident we will carefully devise a detailed care plan and a live in or day carer straight away. On discharge we will devise a future care plan to be reviewed closely every day.

Our expertly trained and dedicated carers are helping people with conditions like incontinence to live fulfilled and independent lives. Whether you require assistance with catheter, bowel or stoma care, we can support you or your loved one from the comfort of your home. We also administer diabetic level checks, dressing care, organise a medication table and when required a nutrition plan.

Our team also collect medications and take clients for blood tests, check ups and hospital out patient visits. On occasions when our clients have to be admitted into hospital their carer will accompany them if there are no family available immediately.

Our Head Carer and Director can visit you to make an assessment while you are in hospital!