As Spain is now Europe´s highest infected country there is worry among our communities. The team at Caring for You at Home in Spain have been working throughout the Pandemic looking after all our clients with extra vigilance of course. I can report that we have not encountered any clients with Covid-19 thankfully and also none within our team .
I follow The Covid-19 Information Center and thought I would share some of their useful advice to help yourself and families health at home.
Take a Break from the News
The first and most important tip is to take news breaks and try and search for positive news instead. If you have time on your hands then start something positive as I have explained below,
For one week, every day make a note of 3 things that you enjoyed or good things that happened to you. It is imperative to write an explanation why. It could be something simple like a friend called for a chat and to see how you are.
Give the ´good thing´a title and make a format starting with what it was , how it made you feel, why you think it happened, use your own writing style as this is for you. When any negative feelings start to creep in check your ´good things´ list and try to focus on the positive feelings you had. Even if it brings a small smile it´s working and in a negative situation this can help lift you even if it´s slight. It´s not particularly easy in the beginning but it does get easier.

Take a Meditation Walk
Find a pathway or quiet lane that is traffic free where you can walk up to 15 steps. Since meditation walking can be slow and is about retracing steps you may not want to be observed so peace quiet is essential.
Start walking up to 15 steps then stop and take time to breath for a few minutes, then simply turn around and retrace your steps and so forth. Do this as many times as you like.
Walking meditation is all about thinking about the process of what you are doing, like lifting you foot, putting your heal down. These normal actions never enter our head, so to break them down in thought gives you Kabat-Zinn´s Mindfulness Based on Stress Reduction (MBSR). It´s about small slow steps that feel natural.
Creating Routines for Mental Health
Juggling work with children, cleaning, preparing food, shopping, working, getting enough sleep, exercising and fitting in some time out are just a few of the daily tasks millions of us do. Sometimes it can feel impossible to do everything that needs to be done which can cause stress and anxiety and could lead to depression. Organising our days with routines will become a pattern that will make it easier to get things done and alleviate stress. With routines set in place we eventually won´t think about them.
Here are some tips to get you on a fast track:
When it comes your sleep and exercise routine this needs very strict times as it´s proven they are linked to mental health. Getting enough sleep is essential for health at home.
Routines have a huge positive affect when facing problems, health issues and can lower levels of distress.
For these routines to become automatic it can take around 66 days and in some cases longer so it´s important to never give up. The long term affect is worth it!