Christmas can be a lonely time when it is usually a time to connect with our loved ones, but for many people it can be depressing and lonely. Being separated from loved one’s through Covid travel restrictions or distance, loss, illness or even conflict can make this time of year extremely unhappy for some. Unfortunately Christmas is in our face through the radio, television, shop decorations, Christmas markets, bars and restaurants advertising Christmas parties, lunches and special events etc. so it is extremely difficult to escape it’s happening.
Some will feel disconnected from others and feel like nobody cares or values their company, so if you can spare the time ‘even if it is just a neighbourly cup or coffee’ please do. There are some obvious strategies that can help but read below because I want to emphasise the need to be aware of those around us who need help but may feel too embarrassed to ask.
Reach out to others
Feeling lonely during the holidays is never easy, and reaching out to others can often seem difficult or embarrassing. It is imperative to communicate with people, even if it’s a quick chat with a local shop assistant or neighbour. There is nothing wrong with telling people how Bah Humbug you are feeling, even if it’s a simple statement like ‘it’s not the same now the kids are grown up’, or maybe you have lost a love one and it’s your first Christmas alone, it’s possible in the current climate travel restrictions may prevent you being in company, but talking about it is a must. Not everyone is familiar with digital communication nowadays but the telephone still works. Most people in society care so if they know you are alone then you may get some nice surprise knocks on the door. If you are worried about Covid then insist visitors wear masks.
Why not be the host and invite a neighbour round for a mince pie and a glass of sherry, bake a cake, buy some small bites in in case a neighbour drops by, keep busy and try to stay positive.
Lots of local charities organise a Christmas event so why not pop along and try and get in the spirit by thinking there are people in worse situations. Being charitable can be a rewarding way to meet people and feel good about yourself.
If none of the above help then our excellent Samaritans in Spain have an amazing group of people ready to help. I personally met the president Donna Williams as we are organising an event in the New Year and they truly are a wonderful bunch.
Freephone 900 525 100
Don’t Shut Yourself Away
Feeling lonely is a negative emotion so it is important to get dressed, get out, even for stroll, and get positive. Sitting in the sun for a while can do wonders for the soul. You may be feeling sad but nature is a sure way to lift those spirits a little and a little is better than nothing.
Use loneliness as a motivation to communicate, make it a positive emotion. Whatever age we are we all suffer feeling at some point. Even those in healthy relationships with families can feel lonely so it’s important to let close ones know!
Our wonderful councilor Carl Regan is also on hand to chat any time. Carl has a very calming influence but is also an extremely experienced Psychiatrist.
Of course, our team work 24/7 365 days a year so even if an hour a day of company can help just call us: 693 555 807 any time.
Never be ashamed to reach out, there are some kind people out there.